Pathways with Amber Stitt

Physician's Edition: What is a Presumptive Disability? Will Your Waiting Period be Waived?

Amber Stitt

In today's episode, Scott and I discuss ways that your elimination period, otherwise known as a waiting period, can be waived under the Presumptive Disability Rider.

These are *free on almost any disability plan out there, as it stands today, but this could change over time.*

If your waiting period is waived, something serious has happened. Nonetheless, we want you to know the rules on this which can help you decide which waiting period to buy.

There are two carriers that don't require the situation to be permanent, the issue doesn't have to be irrevocable. Take a listen and let us know if you have any questions for our team.

Our Elimination Period video is here for reference:

📻 Thank you for tuning in to Pathways!

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And remember, let's take action today!!!